Rwanda: National Strategy for Transformation


Rwanda’s first four years of Vision 2050 are guided by the National Strategy for Transformation (NST1). NST1 aims to increase the rate of urbanization as a driving factor for economic growth, which will require partnering with the private sector to develop local construction materials. It also aims to improve household living conditions to make access to water, sanitation, and electricity universal, and to relocate people living in informal settlements into planned settlements. Key to this plan is establishing an affordable housing fund, which will provide affordable interest rates to both the private sector and beneficiaries.

Working in conjunction with Vision 2050, NST1 presents a strategy, guidelines, and implementation plans that will address the need for affordable and decent housing for all.


Chiwetu, D. (2021) Rwanda’s affordable housing sector: overview of the institutions, policies and legislation that shape the sector. Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa.
