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As we approach World Habitat Day, the Way Forward Housing Coalition will explore how to unlock green and affordable housing finance. Our guests will be: Ruben Cors, Chief Strategist and Sustainability Officer for COMVIVE, a Mexican housing development company with a focus on affordable housing; and Jean Pierre Du Plessis, Director of Business Development for African Data Technologies
This webinar series will offer an introduction to IFC’s tools on green & sustainable affordable housing, case studies of successful adoption, and next steps to gain greater technical proficiency.   Session 1: Green and Resilient Tools – EDGE and the Building Resilience Index -- Thursday, June 22, 8am-9.15am EDT  Session 2: Pillar – Supporting Sustainable Home
The World Bank Group will hold its 9th Global Affordable Housing Conference on May 31- June 2, 2023 at the World Bank Group Headquarters in Washington D.C. Participants have also the possibility to join virtually the conference. The theme of the conference is “Looking ahead: unlocking access to affordable, green and resilient housing through innovation.”  Entrepreneurs, fin