Indonesia: Learning from the One Million Homes Program


With the launch of Satu Juta Rumah, or the One Million Homes Program, the Indonesian government solidified affordable housing provision as a priority. While many have been provided with homes, the experiences of the program beneficiaries make clear that homeownership should not be the only measure of success. Location of the homes, including access to public infrastructure and services, along with thinking about housing developments at the community scale, rather than the individual, are essential to ensuring social sustainability.

Additional lessons from implementation of the One Million Homes Program include prioritizing subsidies for those who need them most, providing adequate housing alternatives to those without access to the formal market, ensuring that subsidies support safe and resilient housing, promoting evidence-based policymaking, and building the capacity of strategic stakeholders.


Harrison, D. 27 October 2017. Five lessons on affordable housing provision from Indonesia. World Bank Blogs.
