Guatemala: A Housing Fund Aimed at Populations in Poverty


Guatemala’s housing fund, FOPAVI, was created within the Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing with the aim of granting direct subsidies and increasing access to credit for families in poverty and in need of a housing solution. Families can apply for a subsidy to acquire a lot with services, decent, adequate and affordable housing, construction of housing, improvement and repairs of housing, the introduction of basic housing support services, or community production of housing materials.

Though results of this specific housing fund are still preliminary, with its creation, other housing policies were updated and additional affordable housing projects were taken on. Good practices utilized in FOPAVI include the use of a targeted and differentiated subsidy line, effective communication strategy, post-subsidy monitoring, and increased access to technical support.


Rodríguez Armas, J. C. (2021) Barreras de Acceso a Programas de Subsidios a la Vivienda en Perú: Estudio y propuestas de innovaciones en políticas públicas” Habitat for Humanity International Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter.
