Ethiopia: Engaging Informal Labor in Housing Construction


Across Sub-Saharan Africa, there is a shortage of qualified construction firms to expand the affordable housing stock. Without a mid-level supply market, much of the formal construction is done by foreign firms. Further, the local construction sectors often pull from the same labor pool, regardless of whether they are in the formal or informal sector. And further, there is an overlap between formal and informal actors in the construction of government housing and infrastructure projects.

In Ethiopia, collaboration between these sectors on government projects has proved useful. In Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP) housing, there have been opportunities for training and contracts made available for informal workers to prefabricate some parts of the housing, while larger contractors take on responsibilities on-site, such as assembling components and casting concrete frames.


World Bank Group. (2015) Stocktaking of the Housing Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and Opportunities. World Bank, Washington, DC. 
