Egypt: Obstacles to a Successful Egypt Mortgage Refinance Company


For World Bank Group liquidity facility interventions to be successful, a number of conditions need to be in place, such as a stable macroeconomic environment, active institutional investors willing to purchase non-government bonds, and a small but liquid bond market. While World Bank support for the Egypt Mortgage Refinance Company (EMRC) was well-designed with reasonable causal links, these conditions were not in place for a mortgage bond market to develop.

The major objective of EMRC was to provide long-term funding to lenders using bond issuance from a centralized issuer, with the result being the development of domestic capital markets. However, EMRC did not find success because the bond market was relatively undeveloped, especially for non-government debt, and the World Bank loan to establish EMRC ended up being used for mortgage lending instead.


World Bank Group. (2016) World Bank Group Support to Housing Finance. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank.
